Writer Biography
Scott Cohen's work spans writing for the theater and publication, including long- and short-form plays, satirical articles and essays. An accomplished playwright, his work has been staged in theaters, virtual readings, theatrical festivals and at cultural institutions, earning recognition for his sharp wit, poignant narratives, and engaging characters. His plays explore historical context, human connections, and the complexities of personal and collective identity.
In addition to playwriting, Scott authors incisive political satire under a pseudonym, allowing that work to stand on its own while maintaining a distinction between his artistic, humanitarian, and personal beliefs. His pieces are known for their biting humor and thought-provoking commentary on current events, engaging readers in critical reflection and keeping them entertained.
Scott’s storytelling is informed by a diverse background that includes leadership roles in successful startups and major corporations, as well as decades of experience in community-driven art and humanitarian efforts. Whether through the stage, the written word, or thought-provoking satire, his work remains dedicated to sparking conversation, challenging perspectives, and inspiring meaningful change.
Scott Cohen: Playwright
Easton, Maryland
Life List
Recognition: Eugene O’Neill Theater Center, National Playwrights Conference, Waterford, CT, Semi-Finalist (2019); selected by Broadway Bound Theatre Festival, New York, NY, production declined by playwright (2019); selected by Summerfest Theater Festival, Hudson Guild Theater, New York, NY, production declined by playwright (2019); PlayFest Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, Finalist (2018). Staged Reading: The PIT Theater, New York, NY (2018); Table Readings: NY, Reno, and Los Angeles (2015-2017); Zoom Readings: Albuquerque Theatre Guild (2020/2021); Script Readers, London UK (2020)
Productions: Watermelon One Act Festival, St Mary’s City, Maryland (June 2019); Theater Project THINK FAST Festival of One-Act Plays, Burgdorff Center for the Performing Arts, Maplewood, NJ (March 2019); Manhattan Rep Theater, December New Works Festival, New York, NY (December 2018); Zoom Reading: Albuquerque Theatre Guild (2021)
Hands Up!
Productions: Rhino’s 4th Annual One Act Jamboree, Pompton, NJ (August 2019); One Act Weekend Festival at Carrollwood Players, Tampa, Florida (June 2019); Watermelon One Act Festival, St Mary’s, Maryland, Winner: Audience Choice Award (June 2019); Zoom Reading: Albuquerque Theatre Guild (2021)
University of Rochester, Masters Degree (1988)
The New School, New York, NY, Managing Innovation/School of Media Studies Class Lectures (2015-2022) Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, NY, Mercy Scholars presentation (2018) Burning Man Honorarium Artists Symposium, San Francisco, CA (2015) Similar presentations for thousands of civic leaders, artists and students at schools and community centers across the country (2014-2022)