In the midst of a crazy busy day after returning from Burning Man, I received the following from Lori, one of the many TLC supporters who helped put it together. She identified strongly with the concept, and passionately embraced its ramifications in all the creative ways suggested in her note below. It’s so gratifying to see how The Life Cube resonated with people – both before and during the week at Burning Man, and with those who wrote wishes and sent ideas and support even if they couldn’t travel to Black Rock City this year.
RE: Alert to skeeter bid for the temple 2013
cube on crack! lets build the temple of wishes and dreams i’m serious skeeter i got goose bumps the temple was successfully built by mostly volunteers in 2011 This was the best let’s take the life cube out of its own box and bid for the temple of wishes and dreams!!!!!!!!! l’chaim – to life! let us not mourn the dead but celebrate what they gave us… life as the world belongs to the living the cube has evolved to a playa-wide project where during the week they will add their wishes and dreams…. and send them up to the ether meanwhile during the week we celebrate life in all its aspects and aspirations sing dance rejoice celebrate …. create our futures be joyful in what we behold…. the indomitable unfolding spirit all kinds of inspirational sayings and art will abound we will get donations from artists from all over to add to it are you in????? let it be a gigantic box with four triangles which form a lid over the top which will open progressively over the week finally open upon the burn nite as it burns a phoenix is revealed popping out of the top covered with lights and fireworks lifting its head and spreading its wings in its beak a sign “wish it so ” in the ashes will be found small ceramic plaques with an imprint of wish it so temple of wishes and dreams 2013 are you in?
My response:
Thanks Lori! I’m still flying high somewhere past Cloud 9, and trying desperately to function and do what I need to in the “real world” when your email came. You’re the best! I love your enthusiasm and ideas. Please give me some time to get back to Earth, do a debrief with the powers at Burning Man and just take a deep breath. The chance to work with everyone on The Life Cube V2 was an over the top experience as an artist. I’m so grateful to have friends and angels who helped make my dream a reality. A huge thanks to everyone at Titicaca for their support and love and work and donated materials and time and tools and ….
And let me not forget to say a huge mega-thanks to Gordy for organizing and cajoling and putting together the most awesome team of people to work with.
More to come.
Love, skeeter