Visit our new website at: There’s info about the new installation, and a page to enlist as a volunteer. We’d love to have your help if you’re in the Las Vegas area – or if you know someone who might be interested and available, please share the link with them or post it on FB! We’re starting construction later this month, and will need lots of help building, painting, lighting, promoting, and participating artists for the tapestry wall and murals.
Facebook & Twitter Visit and like our page on FB (if you haven’t already) at and share our page or the website with your FB friends. Follow us @thelifecube or post with hashtag #lifecube
The Installation & Burn Lastly, the Life Cube installation will be on site for a month and will burn in downtown Las Vegas on March 21st. If you’d like to visit during that time, or for the Burn weekend, make reservations early, as it’s March Madness and a busy season in LV! I am trying to arrange special rates at area hotels, so contact me if you’re planning to come.
Thank you all for your ongoing interest and support of the project. It means more than you know!