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Burning Man announces theme for 2014: Caravansary


New theme for Burning Man 2014 is Caravansary.  A combination of "caravan" and "sara" (palace or buildings with closed courts).  Inn or resting place for weary travelers along the Silk Road.

New theme for Burning Man 2014 is Caravansary. A combination of “caravan” and “sara” (palace or buildings with closed courts). Inn or resting place for weary travelers along the Silk Road.

Caravansary.  According to Jack Rabbit Says (JRS) – The new theme for Burning Man this year will be caravansary.

For countless centuries, travelers along the Silk Route crossed paths in caravansaries, a network of oases and sanctuaries that dotted the 4,000-mile road from Europe to East Asia. These bustling caravan stops offered more than just shelter from the desert wilderness; they were vital centers of cultural exchange, bringing together traders, pilgrims, monks, nomads, traveling entertainers, and wild-eyed adventurers from all points of the compass to share their stories around a common fire.

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